Islandmagee Primary School: Spreading Harvest Joy through Generosity

In the heart of Islandmagee, a little school with a big heart has made a significant impact on our community. Islandmagee Primary School, with its wonderful harvest festival, has embraced the spirit of the season by generously donating to Whitehead Storehouse, the local food bank for Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee. In this blog post, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the school for their dedication to making a difference through their harvest donation.

A Time to Share Blessings:

The harvest season is a special time when we celebrate the abundance of the earth and give thanks for the blessings we receive. It’s a time for communities to come together, share the joy, and support those in need.

Islandmagee Primary School held a harvest festival and their contribution of food items, collected during this, will ensure that families in our community won’t go without essentials.

More than just filling stomachs, the school’s generosity has nurtured spirits. The act of giving has brought warmth and hope to individuals and families facing difficult times and their donation has also been a valuable lesson for their students. It teaches the importance of compassion, generosity, and caring for the community, a lesson that extends far beyond the classroom.

Expressing Our Gratitude

To the students, teachers, and staff of Islandmagee Primary School, we extend our sincere thanks. Your school has shown us the power of community, kindness, and the impact even a small act of giving can have. Your harvest festival donation reminds us that we can all play a part in making our community a better place and making harvest season a time to share and be grateful.

A Warm Thank You to Whitehead Congregational Church for Their Harvest Festival Donation”


In the spirit of harvest and giving, we extend our warmest thanks to Whitehead Congregational Church for their generous donation to Whitehead Storehouse, the local food bank for Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee.. Your contribution has made a meaningful difference to our community, and we are truly grateful for your support. Your generosity is a shining example of the true essence of the harvest season. Thank you for your kindness.

In these times of adversity, the Congregational Church’s act of generosity has sown seeds of hope. Their donation serves as a beacon of light, reminding us all that compassion and kindness can thrive, even in the face of adversity. It sends a powerful message to those struggling: you are not alone, and help is near.

And even more the Congregational Church’s gift has fortified the bonds within our community. It has shown us that when we unite with open hearts and outstretched hands, we can build a compassionate and resilient community.

Spirit of Giving

As we celebrate this year’s harvest season, let us continue to carry the spirit of giving with us throughout the year. Supporting local food stores and charitable organisations is not limited to a particular season; it is a year-round dedication to ensuring that every individual in our community has access to the essentials they need.

Whitehead Congregational Church’s harvest donation has sown seeds of kindness that will undoubtedly yield a rich harvest of gratitude in our community. As we express our thanks, let us also challenge ourselves to follow their example. Together, we can create a community where no one goes to bed hungry and where the bonds of compassion and support are unbreakable.

Small School, Big Heart: Thanks to Ballycarry Primary School

In the heart of our community, there’s a small school with a remarkably big heart. Ballycarry Primary School, though modest in size, has demonstrated an immense capacity for generosity. This year, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to them for their heartwarming harvest donation to Whitehead Storehouse, the local food bank. Their act of kindness serves as a powerful reminder that the size of one’s heart is far more important than the size of one’s institution.

Harvesting Hope

Harvest is a season of giving thanks for the abundance of the land and sharing that abundance with those in need. It’s a time for communities to come together, regardless of their size, and support those who may be facing challenges.

The heart of Ballycarry Primary School’s donation was all about filling the shelves of our local food bank. Essential items such as canned goods and other cupboard staples found their way to the storehouse, ensuring that families in our community won’t go to bed hungry. Their thoughtful act of providing food has made a big difference to many.

The school’s generosity has done more than fill stomachs; it has nurtured the spirits of those who receive their donations. The act of giving has brought smiles and a sense of hope to individuals and families experiencing hardship.

Ballycarry Primary School’s donation has not only helped those in need but has also served as a valuable lesson to their students. It teaches the importance of compassion, generosity, and community care – lessons that extend far beyond the classroom.

Expressing Our Gratitude:

To the students, teachers, and staff of Ballycarry Primary School, we extend our sincerest thanks. Your small school has shown us that the size of your hearts is immeasurable, and your commitment to making a positive impact in our community is truly inspirational.

Harvesting Happiness: A Grateful Shout-out to Islandmagee Methodist Church

Spirit of Harvest

As autumn’s gentle touch transforms the landscape, the spirit of harvest envelops us, reminding us to count our blessings and share our abundance. This year, we are also immensely grateful to the Islandmagee Methodist Church for their outstanding generosity in donating their harvest collection to Whitehead Storehouse, the local food bank for Whitehead, Islandmagee and Ballycarry. Their act of kindness has not only enriched our community but has also kindled warmth in our hearts. In this blog post, we wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to the Islandmagee Methodist Church for their commitment to making a difference.

Essence of Harvest:

Harvest is a time of gratitude and sharing, a season when communities come together to celebrate the gifts of the land and ensure that none within their midst go hungry. The Islandmagee Methodist Church, through their remarkable act of kindness, embodies the true spirit of this season.

Strengthening Community Bonds:

Even more than tangible donations, the Islandmagee Methodist Church’s gift has fortified the bonds within our community. It has shown us that when we unite with open hearts and outstretched hands, we can build a compassionate and resilient community.

Expressing Our Gratitude:

To the members of the Islandmagee Methodist Church, we extend our deepest appreciation for your very generous harvest collection and for the retiring collection sum of £700. Your commitment to the values of charity, generosity, and community has made a tangible difference in the lives of those around you. Your donation has lightened the burdens of many, and your example inspires us all to be better neighbours.

Heartfelt Thanks to St Patrick’s and St John’s for Their Harvest Donation

Harvest is a time of reflection, gratitude, and above all, generosity. This time, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to Saint Patrick’s and St John’s Church of Ireland for their exceptional generosity in donating to Whitehead Storehouse. Their act of kindness has not only enriched our community but also filled our hearts with gratitude.These two churches belong to the same parish and held two joint services at which parishioners donated. The first set of pictures are from the Thanksgiving Service held in St Patrick’s Church and the second set of pictures from the Thanksgiving Service held in St John’s Chruch.

We are all Interconnected

Pictures from St Patrick’s Harvest Thanksgiving Service

The harvest season serves as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of life and the importance of sharing our blessings with those in need. It is a time when communities come together to give thanks for the abundance of the land and to ensure that no one in their midst goes without.

The heart of the Church of Ireland’s donation was centred on providing much-needed nourishment for those facing food insecurity in our community. Shelves in the Storehouse  now have essential items, ready to offer sustenance to families experiencing difficult times. The act of providing food extends far beyond nourishing bodies; it also nourishes the spirit.

Pictures from St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Service

As we celebrate this year’s harvest season, let us carry the spirit of giving with us throughout the year. Supporting local food banks and charities is not limited to a season; it’s a year-round commitment to ensuring that everyone in our community has access to the essentials they need.

Islandmagee Presbyterian Church: Sowing Seeds of Kindness with a Harvest Donation

In the heart of Islandmagee, Islandmagee Presbyterian Church stands as a shining beacon of kindness. Their recent harvest donation to Whitehead Storehouse  has not only warmed our hearts but has also nourished the lives of many in our community.

Harvesting the Spirit of Giving:

The harvest season is a time when we reflect on the abundance of nature and the importance of gratitude. It’s a season of giving thanks for the blessings we receive and sharing those blessings with others who may be less fortunate. The Islandmagee Presbyterian Church, in their remarkable act of kindness, has embodied the true spirit of this season and we thank them very much for their generous donations of food staples plus cash and vouchers.

Filling Pantries, Filling Hearts:

The heart of their donation revolved around providing essential food items to the Storehouse, which will help us to ensure that families in our community will not go to bed hungry. The simple act of providing food has touched the lives of many, offering a lifeline to those facing food insecurity.


A Harvest of Gratitude: Thank You, Whitehead Methodist Church

In the crisp autumn air, as the leaves turn to hues of gold and red, our hearts too are warmed by the spirit of gratitude and community. It’s harvest season, a time when we come together to give thanks for the bountiful gifts of the earth. This year, Whitehead Methodist Church has celebrated the harvest by generously donating to Whitehead Storehouse and thus making a positive impact on our community.

The Power of Harvest Festivals:

Harvest festivals have a long-standing tradition in communities worldwide. They serve as a reminder of our connection to the land and the importance of gratitude. Beyond the festivities and feasts, these celebrations underscore the value of sharing our blessings with others, especially those who may be less fortunate.

This year, the congregation of Whitehead Methodist Church embodied the true spirit of harvest by making substantial food donations to Whitehead Storehouse. Their contributions will touch the lives of many in our community, providing not only much-needed sustenance but also a sense of hope and support during challenging times.

The heart of their donation centred on providing food to those facing hunger and in economic difficulties in our community. Canned goods and other essential items found their way to Whitehead Storehouse, ready for distribution to individuals and families struggling to put meals on the table. They also gave a further £210 in donations. Thank you very much Whitehead Methodist Church.

Harvest 2023 Donations

Harvest 2023

Autumn has arrived, we have now passed the Autumn equinox, the nights are drawing in, and harvest is coming up.

If anyone is thinking of donating to Whitehead Storehouse, to help those in economic difficulty through the coming winter, there are some staple food cupboard items that are needed and others of which we currently have plenty. If you can donate anything (or your organisation is thinking of donating) here are some suggested items that we need:

Needed Items

morning/breakfast juice, dilute juice, tins of potatoes ravioli, spaghetti, carrots, ham, pork luncheon meat, fray bentos pies, jams, marmalade, tins of custard, dessert rice and fruit, tuna, coffee, cereals, biscuits and a variety of toiletries.

Items Currently in Sufficient Supply

Whitehead Storehouse currently has enough of the following:

soup, beans, pasta, pasta sauce, tinned tomatoes, peas, sweetcorn and tea.

Other Store Cupboard Items

If you wish to donate anything else you would like to add, we would be very happy with that, provided the items are not on the list showing we have sufficient.

Thank You For Reading

Thank you very much for reading this far, no matter whether you can donate or not.

Heartfelt Thank You to Spar Islandmagee for Their Generous Donation

In a world filled with constant hustle and bustle, it’s always heart-warming to see local businesses stepping up to make a positive impact on their communities. We are excited to express our heartfelt gratitude to Spar Islandmagee, a beacon of generosity in our community, for their recent donation of goods to support Whitehead Storehouse, as part of their 40th birthday celebrations. Their act of kindness reminds us that when businesses and communities come together, incredible things can happen.

Gary, Spar, Islandmagee and Patrick Stewart, Whitehead Storehouse

The Power of Local Generosity

Local businesses are the backbone of any community. They provide jobs, goods, and services that sustain our neighbourhoods and improve our quality of life. However, the best among them go beyond their day-to-day operations to give back, becoming invaluable partners in the mission to make the world a better place.

Spar, Islandmagee has long been a shining example of this commitment. Their recent donation of goods to Whitehead Storehouse has been nothing short of extraordinary. These goods, including food staples and toiletries  will go a long way in supporting the less fortunate in our community and making a real difference in their lives.

A Helping Hand in Challenging Times

In today’s challenging times, the need for support within our community is more significant than ever. Many individuals and families face difficult circumstances due to various factors, including economic hardship, health issues, or unforeseen emergencies. This is where the generosity of local businesses like Spar, Islandmagee truly shines.

Their donation will provide immediate relief and support to those who need it most, and Spar, Islandmagee has not just donated goods, they’ve offered hope and assistance to those facing tough times.

Inspiring Others to Give Back

The impact of this donation goes beyond the material goods they provided. They inspire other local businesses to follow suit, encouraging a culture of giving and compassion that strengthens the fabric of our community. Their generosity serves as a powerful reminder that we are all interconnected and that when we come together, we can create positive change.

A Lasting Partnership

We want to express our deep appreciation to Spar Islandmagee for their commitment to Whitehead Storehouse’s mission. Their donation of goods not only helps us in our immediate efforts but also strengthens the foundation of our partnership. We look forward to working together on future initiatives and continuing to make our community a better place for all.


In a world often filled with challenges and uncertainty, it’s reassuring to know that we have businesses like this in our community. Their recent donation of goods is a testament to their dedication to the well-being of our neighbours and the betterment of our community as a whole. We extend our heartfelt thanks and hope their generosity serves as an inspiration for others to join in making our community a brighter, more compassionate place. Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness that will touch the lives of many for years to come.

Exciting News Alert October 2023

Join Us for a Heart-Pounding Event Benefiting Hope House!

Get ready to break sweat for a fantastic cause! We are thrilled to announce an exhilarating exercise event that will not only boost your fitness but also support our local cancer charity, Hope House Ireland and support those in the community living with cancer

Where: Whitehead Community Centre, Kings Road Whitehead

When: 6pm Friday 27th October to 6pm Saturday 28th October 2023

What: 24 hour fitness event


This thrilling exercise extravaganza is brought to you by the Music and Mind Team, a dedicated group of individuals committed to making a difference in our community.

Fitness equipment going 24 hours

There will be a:

  • Static bike,
  • Rowing machine and
  • Treadmill

The goal is to have all 3 pieces of equipment filled for the 24 hours.


This means we need 72 willing volunteers to fill the 72 hourly slots. Feel free to book a double slot if you can manage 2 hours’ exercise. Each participant is asked to raise £10 for a slot, so that if all slots are filled, this raises at least £720, well on course to reach the target £1,000.

The slots between 10pm and 6am will be the most difficult to fill so if anyone particularly likes to train at that time, please put your name down.

Supporting a Worthy Cause

Music and Mind  hopes to raise £1,000 from this event and all proceeds will go directly to benefit our local cancer charity, Hope House Ireland. Your participation will make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by cancer in our community.

Exercise – Best Medication

Music and Mind believes that exercise is one of the best forms of medication available: it boosts feel-good hormones, keeps us fit and helps fight social isolation.


It is aimed to have local talent singing during the event and music playing to encourage everyone as they complete their hour.

At the last slot leading to 6pm on Saturday, it is hoped that all will come together to celebrate and meet everyone who took part.

Contact Details

If you or your group or business would like to be involved, then phone or text (07926 361201) or email ( to discuss. You can book a slot online at


Let’s come together as a community to sweat, smile, and make a positive impact in the fight against cancer. See you there!