Can You Help Me Again Please?

While Whitehead Storehouse would like to help everyone in the Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee areas who needs food and other emergency economic help, it is not always possible to help every time someone asks.

There is a big and growing need for help with food for those who are suffering with the economic downturn. Whitehead Storehouse is an emergency help provider in the local area, supplying food and other items to individuals and families in sudden economic need. To be fair to everyone who needs help, we are having to limit the number of times we can help any individual or family to three times a year.

Whitehead Storehouse is not a regular food supply for those who may need other help, such as budgeting, or mental health or social needs: it is a source of emergency help for those who find themselves in a difficult situation. We do have contacts who may be able to help with those needs, so please do ask. Even if we cannot help out with food, we may be able to point you to some other place or organisation that could perhaps help you.

Having said all this, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, with no food, even if you have already received help 3 times in the year, please ask. We will do our best to help in some way.