Tag: ballycarry primary school

Small School, Big Heart: Thanks to Ballycarry Primary School

In the heart of our community, there’s a small school with a remarkably big heart. Ballycarry Primary School, though modest in size, has demonstrated an immense capacity for generosity. This year, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to them for their heartwarming harvest donation to Whitehead Storehouse, the local food bank. Their act of kindness serves as a powerful reminder that the size of one’s heart is far more important than the size of one’s institution.

Harvesting Hope

Harvest is a season of giving thanks for the abundance of the land and sharing that abundance with those in need. It’s a time for communities to come together, regardless of their size, and support those who may be facing challenges.

The heart of Ballycarry Primary School’s donation was all about filling the shelves of our local food bank. Essential items such as canned goods and other cupboard staples found their way to the storehouse, ensuring that families in our community won’t go to bed hungry. Their thoughtful act of providing food has made a big difference to many.

The school’s generosity has done more than fill stomachs; it has nurtured the spirits of those who receive their donations. The act of giving has brought smiles and a sense of hope to individuals and families experiencing hardship.

Ballycarry Primary School’s donation has not only helped those in need but has also served as a valuable lesson to their students. It teaches the importance of compassion, generosity, and community care – lessons that extend far beyond the classroom.

Expressing Our Gratitude:

To the students, teachers, and staff of Ballycarry Primary School, we extend our sincerest thanks. Your small school has shown us that the size of your hearts is immeasurable, and your commitment to making a positive impact in our community is truly inspirational.