Tag: donate

Supporting Our Community: Can You Donate Staple Items

Challenging Times

In these challenging times, many families in our community are facing difficulties putting food on their tables. As a beacon of hope and support, Whitehead Storehouse is reaching out to our local community to help alleviate hunger and provide essential nourishment to those who need it most. Your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of families struggling to make ends meet.

Why Donate Staple Items

Staple items such as tuna, tinned tomatoes and tins of meat, form the backbone of our food assistance efforts. These items are versatile, nutritious, and in high demand among the families we serve. Your donations can help us create balanced and wholesome food packages that meet the diverse dietary needs of our community members. Whether it’s a hearty meal or a quick snack, your contribution ensures that no one goes hungry.

Can You Donate Food Items

If you are interested or willing to donate staple food, we are currently low on the following and would much appreciate donations of any of the following staple items. Even one item will help.

  • Instant Coffee
  • Tins of Tuna
  • tins of meat
  • morning juice,
  • cereals
  • biscuits

Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to ensuring that everyone has access to an an adequate food supply.

Where to Donate

You can drop off your donations at Whitehead Community Centre during their opening hours. Or buy an extra can or jar when shopping and leave it with Whitehead Spar or Islandmagee Spar, or drop a contribution into your local Church.

By donating staple items to Whitehead Storehouse you are not just providing food for individuals and families in Whitehead, Islandmagee and Ballycarry– you are offering hope, dignity, and support to individuals and families facing difficult circumstances.

Your kindness has the power to transform lives and build a stronger, more resilient community for us all. Thank you for your generosity and compassion. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

Spread the Word

While we may not always see the problems, in every community, there are families who may be struggling to put food on the table due to various challenges they face. Whitehead Storehouse is a beacon of hope for these individuals and families. It’s essential to ensure that every family in need knows about the available help and support to ensure that no family goes hungry.

Many individuals or families may not be aware of the resources and assistance available to them through Whitehead Storehouse, especially those who may not often be on social media or the internet. By spreading the news, we can bridge this gap and connect those in need with vital support services. Every family deserves access to nutritious food, and by raising awareness, we can make a significant difference in improving their quality of life.

How You Can Help

Share Information

Please share this page and Whitehead Storehouse Facebook posts with your own contacts. If you can put up leaflets on a local bulletin board, please feel free to pick some up from Whitehead Community Centre during their opening hours.

If your organisation has contact with families who may be in need, let them know about Whitehead Storehouse’s services, maybe by giving them a leaflet (these can be obtained from Whitehead Community Centre) or pointing them to the Storehouse’s web page at www.whiteheadstorehouse.com.

In times of hardship, it’s essential to ensure that every family in our community knows where to turn for support. By spreading the news about the availability of help from the Whitehead Storehouse, we can extend a lifeline to those facing food insecurity and make a tangible difference in their lives. Together, let’s build a stronger, more supportive community where no family goes hungry. Thank you for joining us in this vital mission of compassion and solidarity.

Donate Direct To Whitehead Storehouse

If you would like to donate directly to Whitehead Storehouse, here are the details you will need.

Bank Sort Code: 95-06-79

Account Number 30273201

You can make a one-off payment or set up a regular payment from your own bank account.

Thank you for contributing to the local charity helping people in economic difficulty to eat.

No matter how much or how little you choose to give, we are very grateful for any donations that help us to help those in need in Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee.

Food Bank Near Me

Whitehead Storehouse

If you need food urgently and cannot afford to feed yourself or your family, the nearest food bank for people of Whitehead, Islandmagee and Ballycarry is the Whitehead Storehouse, in Whitehead, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Call or text in complete confidence on 0759 6213 763. Or you can email whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com. You will get a call back or a text or an email within a few hours from one of our volunteers. We may also be able to help with some other needs.


If you are able to help us with providing food for those in need, you can donate in-date, non-perishable food at any church, the community centre or the Spar shop on Edward Road, Whitehead. Donations also gratefully accepted.

Nearest Food Bank To Me

What Is A Food Bank?

https://www.whiteheadstorehouse.com/Foodbanks are charitable, non-profit organisations that collect food donations and pass them out to those in need of food because they do not have enough money to buy it. There are many food banks available in the UK, providing food and other emergency essentials to people struggling to manage, so that no one goes without food in an emergency. If you are referred to a food bank, or contact your independent food bank, you will get food for at least three days, as well as help to find other places that can help with your long-term needs.

The donations can come from individuals, companies or manufacturers for instance and are collected through schools, local shops, community organisations and also some of the big stores, who provide baskets near their exits for customers to add purchased items to.

How To Get Food From A Food Bank

Independent food banks can provide food immediately you ask. If there are none near you, you will need to get a referral to the local centre for a Trussell Trust food bank from someone like the Citizens Advice Centre or your doctor, a charity or a social worker. They can tell you how to get food from the food bank. The Citizens Advice Centre will probably make an appointment for you with an adviser who can discuss your whole situation, including whether you have any family, your income and needs. If you are eligible for the food bank they will give you a voucher or tell you how to access it.

What Food Will I Get?

Food banks attempt to provide enough nutritionally balanced food to last for three days, as an emergency stop gap. They will try to meet your dietary needs, within the limits of what they have available. Where necessary, they may buy special food. Some individuals or families have difficulty obtaining enough electricity or gas to be able to cook food. (They often have a choice between heating or eating). In these cases, food banks may supply cold packs containing food that can be eaten cold, or kettle packs, containing food that can be prepared with boiled water. These packs may not be nutritionally balanced, however, it is better to have some food, than none.

Food Bank Near Me

In Whitehead, there is an independent food bank available, called the Whitehead Storehouse. This also services Ballycarry, Islandmagee and Eden. There are also local food banks in Carrickfergus and Larne. The nearest food bank to Whitehead is the Whitehead Storehouse, an independent food bank.

How To Donate To A Food Bank

Food bank donations can be made easily in many large stores, which have tubs available near the exits where you can leave non-perishable items which will be collected or delivered to food banks. In many areas, you can leave donated items into the local churches, community centres or schools. In Whitehead, the churches and community centre and the local Spar shop on Edward Road all have collection tubs where you can leave items. You can also donate money. This is used to provide emergency items that are not available in the food bank or to buy items that are in low stock.

Food Bank Volunteer

Most food banks are happy to have volunteers to sort and pack food or work in an administrative capacity. Whitehead Storehouse is happy to use volunteers for a few hours to pack food boxes.