Tag: food

Heartfelt Thank You to Spar Islandmagee for Their Generous Donation

In a world filled with constant hustle and bustle, it’s always heart-warming to see local businesses stepping up to make a positive impact on their communities. We are excited to express our heartfelt gratitude to Spar Islandmagee, a beacon of generosity in our community, for their recent donation of goods to support Whitehead Storehouse, as part of their 40th birthday celebrations. Their act of kindness reminds us that when businesses and communities come together, incredible things can happen.

Gary, Spar, Islandmagee and Patrick Stewart, Whitehead Storehouse

The Power of Local Generosity

Local businesses are the backbone of any community. They provide jobs, goods, and services that sustain our neighbourhoods and improve our quality of life. However, the best among them go beyond their day-to-day operations to give back, becoming invaluable partners in the mission to make the world a better place.

Spar, Islandmagee has long been a shining example of this commitment. Their recent donation of goods to Whitehead Storehouse has been nothing short of extraordinary. These goods, including food staples and toiletries  will go a long way in supporting the less fortunate in our community and making a real difference in their lives.

A Helping Hand in Challenging Times

In today’s challenging times, the need for support within our community is more significant than ever. Many individuals and families face difficult circumstances due to various factors, including economic hardship, health issues, or unforeseen emergencies. This is where the generosity of local businesses like Spar, Islandmagee truly shines.

Their donation will provide immediate relief and support to those who need it most, and Spar, Islandmagee has not just donated goods, they’ve offered hope and assistance to those facing tough times.

Inspiring Others to Give Back

The impact of this donation goes beyond the material goods they provided. They inspire other local businesses to follow suit, encouraging a culture of giving and compassion that strengthens the fabric of our community. Their generosity serves as a powerful reminder that we are all interconnected and that when we come together, we can create positive change.

A Lasting Partnership

We want to express our deep appreciation to Spar Islandmagee for their commitment to Whitehead Storehouse’s mission. Their donation of goods not only helps us in our immediate efforts but also strengthens the foundation of our partnership. We look forward to working together on future initiatives and continuing to make our community a better place for all.


In a world often filled with challenges and uncertainty, it’s reassuring to know that we have businesses like this in our community. Their recent donation of goods is a testament to their dedication to the well-being of our neighbours and the betterment of our community as a whole. We extend our heartfelt thanks and hope their generosity serves as an inspiration for others to join in making our community a brighter, more compassionate place. Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness that will touch the lives of many for years to come.

Thank You Whitehead Congregational Church

Thank you very much to all those who contributed items at Whitehead Congregational Church’s recent Harvest Festival Service. These have been donated to Whitehead Storehouse to provide emergency food help to those in economic need in Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee. With the threat of a cold and difficult winter for all, these donations will help the most vulnerable in the local area.

Thank You Ballycarry Primary School

Many thanks to the pupils, parents, carers and teachers at Ballycarry Primary School who donated non-perishable items to Whitehead Storehouse to help those in difficult circumstances. All these items are gratefully received and will be used to help people in need this winter in Ballycarry, Whitehead and Islandmagee with an emergency food parcel.

Autumn is a time of harvest and gratitude for food to last through the coming winter until the new growth.
Whitehead Storehouse is very grateful to all those who donate to help them provide emergency help to local people in need.

Thank You Islandmagee Methodist Church

Islandmagee Methodist Church Harvest Festival Donations

A huge thank you to all those who donated at the Islandmagee Harvest Festival Service. The donations have been passed to Whitehead Storehouse, the independent food bank for Whitehead, Islandmagee and Ballycarry and will be kept safe, ready for emergency food supplies to be provided for those in need in the local area.

We all know that food costs have risen steeply in the last few months and that heating has become even more costly, with oil, gas and electricity prices rising sharply. For those already in difficult economic situations, the coming winter will be even harder, with some people facing thorny choices between heating and eating. Whitehead Storehouse is very grateful for all donations that will allow us to help those in short term crisis with emergency food packs that will help them over a difficult patch.


A very generous financial donation has also been made from the Harvest Collection by Islandmagee Methodist Church. Very gratefully received. Thank you very much.


Thank You Church of Ireland

The Church of Ireland in Whitehead and Islandmagee asked those at the annual Harvest Festival Services this year to donate non-perishable items to Whitehead Storehouse, providing a list of the most needed items. St Patrick’s Church held their Harvest Service on 2 October 2022. St John’s Islandmagee is to hold their service on 16th October.

Donations from St Patrick’s service have now been delivered to Whitehead Storehouse and will be stored there, ready for emergency food supplies to be provided for those in need in the local area.

As everyone has no doubt noticed, fuel supply costs (oil, gas, electricity) are increasing sharply. This is on top of steady increases in the cost of food and other items from the shops. More people may well be faced with “Heat or Eat” decisions this winter than last year and Whitehead Storehouse is extremely grateful to those who donated items that can be used to provide emergency food packs to local families facing a short term crisis, for whatever reason.


Thank You Methodist Church Whitehead

The Methodist Church, Whitehead, Minister, Stephen Woods, held its harvest festival service on Sunday 25 September 2022, with all donations going to Whitehead Storehouse. The congregation and visitors provided a fantastic response to the call for non-perishable food to help those who would otherwise go hungry this winter. The pictures below show the amazing contributions that were transported to Whitehead Storehouse.

These will all be used to help those at economic disadvantage in the Whitehead area.

Many thanks to all those who donated or helped in any way.


More bags of food have since been received from Whitehead Methodist Church plus a very generous financial donation from a member of the Church, plus an offer of white goods.

Many thanks for the additional help. It will all be put to good use.



What Does Whitehead Storehouse Do

Whitehead Storehouse

https://www.whiteheadstorehouse.com/Whitehead Storehouse is an independent food bank. It provides confidential help to individuals and families in urgent, emergency need of food or other necessities in the Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee areas.

What Whitehead Storehouse Does

We offer short term emergency help with food and other necessities to those in economic difficulties, with the aim of tiding them over an immediate crisis, so they can eventually leave their difficulties behind. We have helped a number of people over the past number of years. Whitehead Storehouse is not associated with any other food banks and does not have opening hours, nor do you need a referral from any other agency to contact us or to receive help. You can contact us by phone or text at 0759 621 3763 or by email to whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com .

We also work with local large stores and supermarkets who provide us with food that has reached its sell by date but is still OK to eat. We distribute this weekly or less often, depending on what and how much is available and the calls for help that are being made.

Help is based on your needs, nothing else. We do our best to distribute our resources fairly and equitably, to help the greatest number of people possible.

If you are finding it difficult to manage financially at the moment and need help with food or other necessities, please get in touch in complete privacy by phone or text at 0759 621 3763 or by email to whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com .

What Whitehead Storehouse CANNOT Do

We are not in a position to offer long term financial support but are happy to point you to other agencies that may be able to help if needed.


Any help you receive from Whitehead Storehouse will be kept confidential.

Extra Food For Distribution January to March 2021

Lockdown Financial Difficulties

https://www.whiteheadstorehouse.com/Many people in Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee are struggling to make ends meet because of the current lockdown. If you are in this position, please contact Whitehead Storehouse on 07596 213 763 or email whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com. We will be able to order extra food for distribution over the next couple of months. This will be completely confidential so please do get in touch.

Keepwarm Packs

We also have some Keepwarm packs with blankets, fleeces, thermals, etc. If you feel you would benefit from one, again please contact us.

Volunteer With Whitehead Storehouse

UK NOW ON LOCKDOWN FROM 20.30 23 March 2020

 This post no longer applies!

Deliveries For People Self Isolating

During the corona virus emergency, Whitehead Storehouse will coordinate volunteers and can act as a central point for arranging deliveries of food and other necessities where necessary, to those who are self isolating and unable to use the local shop delivery services. Local shops have let us know that they will do deliveries. Business names and phone numbers for calling to purchase goods and have them delivered can be found by clicking here.

VOLUNTEERS To Deliver To Those Self Isolating

Although a number of shops have said they will deliver goods to customers, there may still need to be some volunteers to help with this, if the numbers requiring deliveries get too high for the shops to manage. Volunteers who wish to help with deliveries to those who are self isolating or unable to go to the shops to get food, should email Whitehead Storehouse at Whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com and provide the following information:

  • Name,
  • Contact Details,
  • Availability,
  • Whether you have access to a car and
  • Any particular skills you may have

Food Bank

Whitehead Storehouse is the Food Bank for Whitehead, Islandmagee, Ballycarry and Eden. It will remain available to provide emergency food supplies to disadvantaged people in these areas.

Donations For Food Bank

During the current emergency, the Storehouse will open for one hour  from 7pm to 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and from 12 noon to 1pm on Saturdays, starting Saturday 21st March 2020, to receive donations for the food bank, which is running low on essentials for those who need emergency food bank supplies. Cash donations can also be accepted. The Storehouse is located at the Pastoral Centre at Lourdes Church, Victoria Avenue, Whitehead. Donations can also be left at the Spar Whitehead and Islandmagee.

Donation Items Needed

  • tinned fruit,
  • creamed rice,
  • long life juices,
  • coffee,
  • sugar,
  • instant pasta,
  • noodles,
  • cup a soup,
  • baby food,
  • pet food,
  • smash
  • tinned veg and
  • cereals.

CoronaVirus Self Isolating

https://www.whiteheadstorehouse.com/Self Isolation

Some shops in Whitehead and Ballycarry can carry out deliveries to those who are self isolating.

Whitehead Spar Shop

The local Whitehead Spar shop carries out food deliveries for free in Whitehead and has done so for several years. The Whitehead Spar can be contacted on 028 9337 2344.

Foster’s Fruit And Flowers

Foster’s Fruit And Flowers can be contacted on 028 9337 2755 and can deliver fruit, vegetables etc for free within the town of Whitehead, minimum spend £5.

Ballycarry  Day Today

For anyone in Ballycarry the local shop, Day Today can be contacted on 07709814066 for deliveries to your doorstep.

Whitehead Storehouse

As well as acting as the local independent food bank, Whitehead Storehouse can act as a contact for those who may need to self isolate, and who have difficulty using the local shops. If you phone the Storehouse number 0759 621 3763, we can get someone to deliver food or other necessary items to you. When you phone, we can also discuss where any items should be delivered, eg leave them on the doorstep. If you prefer to text us, you can use the same number. Check the contact page if you want to email us.


If you would like to volunteer to help with this effort, you can let us know though the contact page, by emailing, texting or phoning.