Tag: whitehead

A Warm Thank You to Whitehead Congregational Church for Their Harvest Festival Donation”


In the spirit of harvest and giving, we extend our warmest thanks to Whitehead Congregational Church for their generous donation to Whitehead Storehouse, the local food bank for Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee.. Your contribution has made a meaningful difference to our community, and we are truly grateful for your support. Your generosity is a shining example of the true essence of the harvest season. Thank you for your kindness.

In these times of adversity, the Congregational Church’s act of generosity has sown seeds of hope. Their donation serves as a beacon of light, reminding us all that compassion and kindness can thrive, even in the face of adversity. It sends a powerful message to those struggling: you are not alone, and help is near.

And even more the Congregational Church’s gift has fortified the bonds within our community. It has shown us that when we unite with open hearts and outstretched hands, we can build a compassionate and resilient community.

Spirit of Giving

As we celebrate this year’s harvest season, let us continue to carry the spirit of giving with us throughout the year. Supporting local food stores and charitable organisations is not limited to a particular season; it is a year-round dedication to ensuring that every individual in our community has access to the essentials they need.

Whitehead Congregational Church’s harvest donation has sown seeds of kindness that will undoubtedly yield a rich harvest of gratitude in our community. As we express our thanks, let us also challenge ourselves to follow their example. Together, we can create a community where no one goes to bed hungry and where the bonds of compassion and support are unbreakable.

Warm Space Whitehead Community Centre

Whitehead Community Centre Warm Space

Whitehead Centre are pleased to offer a new Warm Space in the Small Meeting Room- access via Balmoral Avenue side and to the top of the stairs. They will have tea, coffee and biscuits on offer as well as some games and jigsaws if you fancy.
This will run on Mondays 2.00pm- 4.00pm
Tuesdays 10.30am- 12.30pm
and Thursdays 2.00pm- 4.00pm
Everyone welcome!


Heating Costs Are High

With the horrific increase in heating costs, many people are having to keep their homes at a lower temperature  than is maybe healthy for them.

“Warm Spaces” is a new concept aimed at providing a temporary, warm and safe environment for people who may be struggling with heating costs or for those who may not have adequate heating in their homes. The concept is that of a warming centre, where individuals can come and seek refuge from the cold.

The idea of providing these warm spaces is a great way to support those in need of extra heat, particularly the elderly and vulnerable. Not only do these spaces provide warmth, but they also offer a place for people to socialise and keep occupied, which can be crucial during the winter months when people may be more isolated due to the cold weather.

It’s important for communities to come together to support those who may be struggling with the costs of heating or inadequate heating in their homes. Warm Spaces is a great initiative that can help alleviate some of the challenges faced by individuals and families during the winter months.

Thank You Islandmagee Primary School

Islandmagee Primary School held a harvest collection event and has donated the items brought in to Whitehead Storehouse to help those in economic difficulty this winter. Thank you very much for thinking of those who will not have very much and donating items that will help keep people fed during hard times.

Thank You Whitehead Congregational Church

Thank you very much to all those who contributed items at Whitehead Congregational Church’s recent Harvest Festival Service. These have been donated to Whitehead Storehouse to provide emergency food help to those in economic need in Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee. With the threat of a cold and difficult winter for all, these donations will help the most vulnerable in the local area.

Thank You Islandmagee Methodist Church

Islandmagee Methodist Church Harvest Festival Donations

A huge thank you to all those who donated at the Islandmagee Harvest Festival Service. The donations have been passed to Whitehead Storehouse, the independent food bank for Whitehead, Islandmagee and Ballycarry and will be kept safe, ready for emergency food supplies to be provided for those in need in the local area.

We all know that food costs have risen steeply in the last few months and that heating has become even more costly, with oil, gas and electricity prices rising sharply. For those already in difficult economic situations, the coming winter will be even harder, with some people facing thorny choices between heating and eating. Whitehead Storehouse is very grateful for all donations that will allow us to help those in short term crisis with emergency food packs that will help them over a difficult patch.


A very generous financial donation has also been made from the Harvest Collection by Islandmagee Methodist Church. Very gratefully received. Thank you very much.


Thank You Lighthouse Bistro


Lighthouse Bistro

Grateful thanks to The Lighthouse Bistro, Whitehead, its customers and to Erica Lutzman for organising a fundraiser on behalf of Whitehead Storehouse. Over £200 was raised in the short space of 3 hours, every penny of which will go to help economically deprived residents of the local area.

With the cost of living and the cost of heating rising for everyone, this is going to be a hard winter for many, who will struggle to stay warm or feed their children. It also means that donors may well be finding the economic situation harder, so we are extremely grateful to all those who donated and of course to the Lighthouse Bistro for organising the fundraiser.

Referrals to Whitehead Storehouse


Whitehead Storehouse is an independent foodbank, not affiliated to the big foodbanks. We cover the Whitehead, Islandmagee and Ballycarry areas only.


While most of our requests come from individuals in the area we cover, we can also help families and individuals in the area who have been referred by helping agencies.

We do not require any vouchers, nor do we have any set opening hours, nor waiting times for help to be provided. We do, however, liaise with other agencies in the area to ensure that our resources are shared fairly among those most in need.

If you are a member of a team or agency that helps individuals and families in the Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee areas and believe that one of your clients needs help with food, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Contact Us

We have a dedicated mobile phone number – 0759 621 3763 that you can ring or text, as well as an email – whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com. You can also message us from our Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/storehousewhitehead/ These are manned by volunteers, so may not always be answered immediately but are checked regularly.

What To Expect

We will need the person’s name and address and a contact number, so we can phone them and find out what they need and the best time to deliver. Most of our volunteers use withheld numbers to contact clients, so your client needs to know to expect a call from a withheld number or it may say “no caller ID”. The Storehouse provides only food but if a client needs other items, such as baby clothes or bedding, for instance, we may be able to suggest other groups that may be able to help.

Storehouse Resources

The food that Whitehead Storehouse supplies to people in need comes from local supermarkets and also from local donors. We are extremely grateful to all those donors for the food they give us for sharing out with those in need.

What Does Whitehead Storehouse Do

Whitehead Storehouse

https://www.whiteheadstorehouse.com/Whitehead Storehouse is an independent food bank. It provides confidential help to individuals and families in urgent, emergency need of food or other necessities in the Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee areas.

What Whitehead Storehouse Does

We offer short term emergency help with food and other necessities to those in economic difficulties, with the aim of tiding them over an immediate crisis, so they can eventually leave their difficulties behind. We have helped a number of people over the past number of years. Whitehead Storehouse is not associated with any other food banks and does not have opening hours, nor do you need a referral from any other agency to contact us or to receive help. You can contact us by phone or text at 0759 621 3763 or by email to whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com .

We also work with local large stores and supermarkets who provide us with food that has reached its sell by date but is still OK to eat. We distribute this weekly or less often, depending on what and how much is available and the calls for help that are being made.

Help is based on your needs, nothing else. We do our best to distribute our resources fairly and equitably, to help the greatest number of people possible.

If you are finding it difficult to manage financially at the moment and need help with food or other necessities, please get in touch in complete privacy by phone or text at 0759 621 3763 or by email to whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com .

What Whitehead Storehouse CANNOT Do

We are not in a position to offer long term financial support but are happy to point you to other agencies that may be able to help if needed.


Any help you receive from Whitehead Storehouse will be kept confidential.

Update On Stores Delivering Orders

https://www.whiteheadstorehouse.com/Shop Deliveries

A reminder that a number of shops in the area can deliver your orders if you are self-isolating or do not wish to leave the house. More stores can be added if you send details.

With the lock-down, many people will be considering having their goods delivered. The following local stores are providing delivery services to those who do not want to attend the shops. Remember, Whitehead Storehouse can help disadvantaged people and families and is also coordinating help for anyone in the area needing services because they are self isolating or vulnerable. Contact Us here by phone, text or email. You can also volunteer to help Whitehead Storehouse.

Whitehead Spar Shop

The local Whitehead Spar shop carries out food deliveries for free in Whitehead and has done so for several years. The Whitehead Spar can be contacted on 028 9337 2344. Note: deliveries are now being extended further around the local area.

Foster’s Fruit And Flowers, Whitehead

Foster’s Fruit And Flowers can be contacted on 028 9337 2755 and can deliver fruit, vegetables etc for free within the town of Whitehead, minimum spend £5.

Ballycarry  Day Today

For anyone in Ballycarry, the local shop, Day Today can be contacted on 07709814066 for deliveries to your doorstep.

McKee’s Home Bakery, Whitehead

Contact on 028 9337 2429 No Longer delivering, since lockdown eased.

McMaster’s Butchers, Whitehead

Can deliver locally and take payment over the phone. Call 028 9335 3313

Rinkha Islandmagee

Contact 028 9335 3229 and ask for Ross or Harry or email  ross@therinkha.com

Caldwell’s Spar Islandmagee

Contact 028 9335 3261. Orders to be placed between 9am and 11am, weekdays only.

Volunteer With Whitehead Storehouse

Fancy using your one form of daily exercise to help your community? Why not volunteer to help deliver these leaflets to everyone’s home in Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee?

https://www.whiteheadstorehouse.com/Looking after our neighbours and friends is a marathon, not a sprint and not everyone has access to Facebook or the Internet. Your help in delivering these leaflets is crucial in letting them know that help is available for the most vulnerable in our community, as well as the disadvantaged. For those who are physically able and who are not shielding, self-isolating or in a high-risk group, you could help the community by helping us to deliver these leaflets.

Whitehead Storehouse is coordinating deliveries and other help for those who are self isolating, shielding or who need to stay physically distanced from others. If you can help, please contact us by phoning or texting 0759 621 3763. Or you can email us at Whiteheadstorehouse@gmail.com